Saturday, July 03, 2004

She is better (but despised)


The body is maybe a better Christian than the soul. At least she knows what she can do and especially what she can't do. She knows her place. If that sounds despicable to you, for someone to know her place and be so humble and abject, well, the body is often despised. The ones who live for pleasure treat her the worst.

Whenever the body commits sins she does so sobbing, kicking, against her will. Instigated by someone else. The soul was always the ringleader who got away. The soul is the one who imagines God doesn't see.

The body knows better but she can't speak. Her only language is pain but she gets roughed up when she uses that language. The body cries out Please don't continue doing that, you are hurting me, but the soul, wrapped in its dreams and its transcendence, stops listening. And when the hangover comes the soul blames the body for it. She is a victim of metaphysical domestic abuse and can't speak out, only flinch and bleed. But Christ no doubt considers her one of his.

And the fact that she cannot speak makes a very loud sound.


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