Tuesday, July 06, 2004

The complexity of being simple


Oh Body, you want so little out of life. You want to live without pain and yet you know that you can't, so you want at least to settle for manageable pain but do not even get that. So you accept what you receive, whether or not it is acceptable. This is not a choice you make, it's just what you always do.

You just want to live peacefully and then dissolve.

You try to stay out of the shadow of Soul's treacherous structures for "doing good for all mankind". You were not put on earth to do good but to be good if only you could be, if only Soul would let you. But his schemes require a Body to do the work and take the fall. And you do not have a way to say no.

Saying no is not a Body thing but a Soul thing. So you just put up with whatever it is and continue being a Body -- aging, falling apart, then dying. You never wanted more than that anyway -- maybe a bit of God's warmth, that's all. Aside from that, dying is okay, you don't mind. What you mind is the shame that Soul always makes you feel for being your clumsy self, being open about yourself and disappointing everyone by having nothing more to be honest about but yourself. A foolish boring person. A body after all.

But it doesn't seem fair always to be kicked and scorned for nothing more than always being what you are. As though there was a choice about that. As though you could want to be another person without first being another person, instead of yourself. And everybody says: Poor thing!


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