Sunday, July 11, 2004

The body's second worst curse


Faith is of the body. When a child is stillborn a father becomes sad but only the mother fully understands what she has passed into the hands of God.


From what is perhaps the second worst curse in the Psalms as translated by a woman, Philip Sidney's sister (Psalm 58)

[As to my enemies...]

  So make them melt as the dishowsed snaile
        Or as the Embrio, whose vitall band
     Breakes er it holdes, and formlesse eyes do faile
         To see the sun, though brought to lightfull land.


Can anyone truly wish such a terrible outcome to any being? Or is it that the body really knows that all her curses, like her creations, are passed through God's hands and transformed before they happen? {So the body is more speaking about herself than judging her enemy? So that even the bloody Babylonian baby in Psalm 137 becomes understandable, bearable?)

137 is the worst of the curses.


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