Thursday, July 29, 2004

Playlet: body, soul and DOG


Soul and Body rush to get ready for dinner. Body comes in from the pantry with a white dogbowl, full, only partially full.


Set it "DOWN*, the dog tries to say. Set it down *NOW*.


I love you, Soul wants to say, but the words won't come out. Body is stiff as she or he moves 'round the room. Hurt pride, feeling unloved.


Must we go to the same restaurant, again and again? Soul asks. (Inside, saying to himself or herself, gotta be nicer, why can't I, why can't I?)


Body (stiff and formal, at least for a Body): I go to the same restaurant every time because I'm *loyal*. And that's why I'm still with you, don't you get it? Don't knock something that is like a benefit. Assuming that --- assuming that ---

Places the white dogbowl smack in the center of the blue placemat on the floor. Food gets eaten. Quickly, quickly, the food gets eaten. Then the dog races around the room.


I may have eaten but I'm hungry.


A closet slamming, a sound of an ignition. They are gone and the dog is alone. That is, never alone because God is here. Dog chews a box of kleenex and jumps onto the couch, making all the cushions bounce. Nose to window, lace curtain dachsund.

God says solitude is good. Dog wants to be worshipful but cannot believe solitude is good. God, I ask you over and over not to let the humans leave the house!

Soul and Body have like left him, the most soulful guy in the house. Why am I rejected again and again?


Mopes. Prays. Gets closer to God. The dog waits and waits for the 2 hunters to get home and





And this concludes the meditations for the month of July. August will be about the theme of getting well. Bye now.

Go with God (whoever you are).


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