Saturday, July 03, 2004

A class war


It's really a class war between soul and body, it's as though the mind-body divide is a set of train tracks. Soul lives on the right side of the tracks, body lives on the wrong side and will never get a chance to move. Body gets no respect. Soul is educated, high class, a practiced tourist, with credit cards and clever ways to get through customs. Body is just luggage or gets left behind or even hidden.

Soul has been to college, body's pure working class, worried about getting laid off and missing payments. The problems all come her way. Body is the one who always gets sick whenever soul is too self-absorbed to come out of the rain. Then soul talks his way out of paying the medical bills. He's a deadbeat dad, too busy with Plato and new tech gadgets. He's all excited about the emerging church, visionary stuff, and he hopes that when church gets its act together body will just get booted out. Soul is smart enough to claim he's really earthy but his earth is all in the head or on the screen or somewhere inside.

The soul-body divide doesn't even exist, as the body knows (she may not be a genius but she knows enough to know that). But it is in the interest of the soul to make the divide as real as he can, because all of the prestige is on his side of the divide. The thing is that if he doesn't play fair, the unfairness may snap in his face, when justice finally comes to earth.


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