Saturday, August 07, 2004

The basic task of getting well


Elise thought of the month of August as the month of getting well.

It seemed to her that all the other months were too busy for this core topic. Everyone had work to do -- gaining a living, resting from the gaining, bringing up kids who would go on to raise more kids, meanwhile teaching skills to them that they would spend the rest of their days teaching to others, in one huge etc.... everyone lives like this without reflecting on what their skills were ultimately for -- or against -- in other words, everybody was busy pursuing the means to the means to the means to the means to some end that they had meanwhile forgotten, if only because they were so tired! But let August be different! Let us get out of this "eternal recurrence" and its endless wash-cycle, let us reflect on what we are doing all of this *for*.

Scott listened to her patiently, then said: Oh Elise, you need a vacation badly! That's what *you* need.


Need? need? O reason not the need, white boy.


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