Wednesday, June 23, 2004

That awkward friend of yours

With God it's like being in the room with some fabulously talented, eloquent and important friend, some friend that you seem to be dependent on just to breathe. And when you have a friend like that how do you strike up a conversation?

I mean how do you talk about the weather with someone who is basically the air you breathe and the warmth on your face? No no, you're completely tongue-tied and scared. And since you're so afraid of making a fool of yourself by talking you make a fool of yourself by being silent. And the friendship can't even move because your own awe is blocking it. Your fear makes everything so musclebound that it's frozen. What kind of a friendship is that?

Who would want you to be a friend like that? Friends want conversation, want fellowship. Right but we spoil everything by being so scared. Not that there isn't a lot there to fear. But nobody wants fear except a dictator. We're talking about someone who has a dictator's power and more but not a dictator's moods.

We're talking about someone who wants your love and gets nothing but a stiff form of worship that seems to be addressed to somebody else. How come we can't just dissolve like the loving prostitute with the vase of ointment?

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