Monday, June 21, 2004

The curse of blogging structure

Nobody ever read a diary backwards, last entry first.

Nobody ever read the last entry of a diary and claimed to understand the person or what drove her to write it.

Blogs are supposed to be a bit embedded in time but the truth is they hardly even have a history. All you read is the latest entry as though only it were alive and everything that led up to it, all the previous chapters of the story, were dead. Forget about understanding causes. It's like this week's top 40 annihilating last week's charts. Where is your story if you can't tell it patiently over time?

You can't understand the Gospel of Mark reading it backwards. You can't thread a needle backwards. You can't look one second through a slitted window and say you know what you saw. The Turing machine at least pretended to be continuous.

So... the blog format labors under a curse but it's still beautiful.

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