Thursday, May 19, 2005

Running (Part 1)


She ran without thinking. She left her job without notice, left her belongings without looking back. Her community, that was now history.

She begged God to take her in. Yes but God acted on earth through humans and humans were always twisting God's will for their personal ends. So that actually facing God, finding God was harder than anyone would admit. Her own church had stood in the way.

The garden receded from her.

She was the devil's daughter. Why would God bother with her?

In the roadhouses every television had been twisted off station. Every TV showed endless loops and arabesques of the devil.

On one station they were playing "Babes in the Woods". In this episode Elf and her dead brother were sent outside to "play" -- or just rot -- while their mother entertained a gentleman caller. Above the children the trees bent like hoops and the paths were clammy, there was even a stagnant pond with tadpoles, the 2 of them were entranced. But when Elf crossed the water, she felt something or more candidly someone pulling her into the woods. It was not a question of "something vs nothing" but of "nothing vs someone". The garden had someone in it and this was her first taste of God, an experience not to be trivialized; nevertheless, her bossy brother pulled her back into the sunlight. We're not supposed to go there. Momma doesn't 'low it. And then they stumbled onto the well and looked into it, it was full of human bones. That's where Momma's boyfriends go, her brother said. Look away. Look away. And on another channel a chic blonde announcer, Duessa again, was cheerfully pushing some low carb diet while a circle of women, all of them as thin as skeletons, nodded their heads in anxious agreement.



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