Friday, January 21, 2005



Touch upon Prayerspace

(the place where prayer becomes possible).


Not congruent with truth -- with the sacred space truth occupies?

I don't dare to say they are congruent.

I can't *know* that.

Prayerspace is where you *try* to enter the sacred space. You ask, you knock, you request. It's possible that the request is turned down.


If no request was made, no prayer occurred. No uncertainty, no request.

No request, no prayer.


Prayer must be an action, not a passive sitting with eyes closed (unless that too is an action). Prayer is a plea for change. I don't believe true prayer can ever leave the pray-er unchanged.

That is why I am offended at the president's pseudo prayer. Where is the change? How can prayer calcify the beliefs of the pray-er?

Where is Prayerspace?


I think it involves the undermining of certainty. Oh well -- the pitiful thing that humans mistake for certainty.

But if we tell the truth (if we stand within the place of truth) what we desperately seek is God's certainty not our own.

Awesome thing to ask for. Some are too wise to ask.


God has a vision politics knows nothing about.


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