Friday, December 10, 2004

Explaining your love of God


Oh no, you try to tell your friends that this love of yours -- which you pause to relish for a moment in bliss -- you try to tell them that this is not an *instance* of love, not one more *case* of being in love, oh no -- it's not like a story in some book they've already read, where everything turns out weepy and tragic, oh no -- oh, no -- and it's not like some illness that comes and goes or the redness of the trees in fall, oh no! The contrary! You guys have it *exactly* upside down. This thing that *you guys* are calling love is just a bad reflection of the reality of love that our world has distorted but cannot explain. But they only reply: yes yes, every lover always says that.

So you say to yourself -- your you says secretly to your you -- okay okay, allright, I'm just not going to talk about it at all. Nothing anymore, no thanks but then God says, No. That's not an option. You have to talk about it. At least your body does. Your conduct. The behavior that oozes out of you based on who you are, which is: a person in love.

And of course whatever God says goes. Absolutely. No one is questioning that. Because anyway that's the way you want it to be. That's the kind of love you go for and go after. No other. Complete abandon, complete risk, no hesitations. Anything else is something else, not love.

People talk about "safe sex" but there is *no* such thing as "safe love".

Now when your own mother says, You seem to be talking about a brute and a bully, you answer: No way, Mom. Because "brute" and "bully", those words are for *men*.

And really that's the issue: Nobody understands who you're talking about. When they say "overpowering" and "terrifying" they've barely taken their first baby step into the mystery. Because God is love. And he isn't kidding about that!


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