Friday, September 10, 2004

Interlude: The circle


I believe my little dog has a language of his own, powerful and expressive and full of redundancies that I enjoy.

When he is hungry and knows I am moving to the bucket of kibbles -- or maybe I am about to pull like a band-aid the plastic lid off the dogfood can using my magical powers to produce the wonder of *food* -- and all the time he knows absolutely that this is going to happen -- all during this time he runs in little circles on the rug and the kitchen tiles. These circles are a language. I read them with great ease. They express an idea and transmit it to me, and I am in no doubt whatsoever what the transmission is about. I know what my doggie is saying.

Sometimes I may misunderstand the words of an actor on television. But I never ever misunderstand the words used by my dog.

Each circle is perfect and elegant. It is like the loop underneath a "g", ornate, almost baroque. The excessive nature of the loop, its extravagance, is part of what it communicates. Dachshund language is anything but ambiguous.

And I hurry to the bucket, no doubt making a loop of my own that he in turn perfectly understands. Bless the little lad.


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