Monday, August 09, 2004

The Art of Getting Well


As for the art of getting well, they say Step 1 is recognizing the sickness, *really* recognizing it, so that your recognition is like a competent person performing diagnosis. Be careful that the recognition is itself not part of the sickness, do not let the recognition get sick or else it will miss an important symptom and even become an important symptom. Step 2? What is Step 2? Step 2 is not letting go of Step 1 when self-loathing detonates like a home-made explosive. So Step 2 is Step 1 en serio. Si, hablo en serio. This is the real thing and the hardest part. Step 3, they say, is to take care that when you explode, as you will, you make sure it is in God's hands that this happens. Do not ever trust a mere human to make you well. Do not ever be alone with another human without God also being in that room.


Step 4 is a piece of advice that cannot be given to you as you are now but only to you as you will become: the pulsing body in God's hands that you now fear to become yet cannot honestly avoid being. And being and being.

So the steps are roughly these: first recognize, second do not flinch, third take shelter and then fourth -- Step 4, which you will recognize at the time that it comes.


Don, we are praying for you.


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